Monday, August 18, 2008

You Can Quote Me on That

I am a big fan of quotes (some of my favorites are in the margin). I’ve come up with some pretty clever ones myself. How do you like these:

“If you spend the present dreaming about the future, you’ll have no past.”

“Today is the day I spend ticking off the list I made yesterday of things to do tomorrow.”

“If you want to have something tomorrow to remember about yesterday, you have to do something today.”

“If you want fond memories when you are old and gray, you must make the most of living each and every day.”

(I wrote all those the same day – obviously. I was on a roll. )

I think this one is pretty good too:

“Too many people worry about tomorrow. I say, live your life today so that if that bad tomorrow comes, you can say, at least I had yesterday.”

“Humility is one of my most outstanding characteristics. It is the thing I’m most proud of in my life.”
(come on – you know this is hilarious)

“Sometimes I worry that I spend more time writing about my life than living it.”

Maybe one of these quotes will be in a book of quotations one day – but, I’ll probably never get credit for it. It will be listed as “author unknown.” … but YOU will know it was me!

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