Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Charity

Christmas always puts me in the mood for giving and sharing what I have with others. The scriptures tell us that we should give anonymously.

“Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them…” Matthew 6:1-4

However, I believe in letting your children see you give because they learn to give by observing you. Even better, find opportunities for THEM to give. I joined the National Charity League with my two daughters and that afforded them many opportunities over the years to serve others. Their favorite Christmas activity was participating in the Salvation Army’s “Angel Tree” drive. They would volunteer to sit at the Angel Tree table and help shoppers pick a name of a child off the tree to shop for. At the end of their allotted time, the girls would take a couple of names and do their own shopping.

Giving at Christmas is easy. There are boxes in the grocery stores where you can donate canned goods and/or toys for people who need them. When you are checking out you can donate a dollar for a turkey to be given to those in need. When you are making your Christmas cookies, make a plate for a neighbor. You can take your family to a local rest home, or hospital and sing Christmas carols as a family home evening activity.

What is YOUR favorite way to serve others at Christmas?

(for more ideas of ways to teach your children how to serve, go to:

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