Monday, September 8, 2008

Wrinkled was not one of the things I wanted to be when I grew up

So far I’ve managed to keep the wrinkles at bay. Good genes has a lot to do with it, as well as using sun block, and a good moisturizer. But I think the biggest secret to good skin is not smoking or drinking. I can spot a smoker before they ever light up. I know that skin. There is one other secret that most people don’t know about and I’m going to let you in on it: Get rid of your worried/frowny/squinty face and replace it with a smiley one.

My grandfather used to say that after 40 we are responsible for our own face (well, actually Albert Camus said it first). He always used it in the context that we can’t blame what we’ve become on a bad childhood. But I’ve come to realize that there is a literal application. If we live an unhealthy lifestyle, we'll have bad skin and bags under our eyes. If we are a gloomy Gus all the time, our face begins to sag. If we frown all the time, we have frown lines. But if we live right and keep a smile on our face, regardless of what’s going on in our lives, those smiley muscles pull our face up and give us a more youthful look.

So, the next time you look in the mirror and you don’t like what you see – smile.
Photo credit: Dennis Mosner-Thom Lang – card@2008 Avanti Press.Inc

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